To start game click on the center of the square box with blue writeing.
HOW TO PLAY If you press ether of the two buton's in the middle or in the lower right corner of ether button it takes you to a strength game press space bar or enter when the metter goes up to select youre strength and try to break the piller.
lol its funny if you pick the wrong amount of strength you get a bad ending and theres difrent kinds of bad endings lol.
Theres a second game or simulation that has multiple funny out comes in order to play theses you must hit the far left corner of ether long button with asian writeing when the game loads so you stop playing the strength game.
how to pick when you enter this other game youll see blue dimondas or outlines pick one and see what happens lol diffrent dimonds have difrent endings.
wish to e-mail the maker of this game this is his e-mail adress itss also on the game.